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As the largest supplier of firewood in the area, we guarantee to provide quality hardwoods that are seasoned to perfection. We offer firewood and stovewood by the cord, half cord, quarter cord and by the piece. Inquire about our popular pickup system; We store the wood for you and you can stop by to take as much wood as you need when you need it. We also carry log racks, fireplace grates, kindling wood, bundle wood, fatwood, backlogs and decorative birch bundles.

We proudly offer the best firewood in the area.  We have been processing firewood at this location since 1975 and can assure you that you are getting quality seasoned firewood.  Our cord measurements are according to industry standards.  Our crew is happy to deliver a half cord or more, dumped or stacked. (Service charges will apply)  You can also  take advantage of our popular 'pick up' program.  Purchase what you need for the season and take it as you need it.  We invite you to stop in to the Nursery to see our sample cord and get pricing for your needs.  We sell wood year round to supply your fireplace, fire pit, and camping trips.


Hickory, Oak, Ash Maple and Birch

Start small to get your fire going


This chicken will be warm all winter!

Ellie enjoying a cozy evening


Backlogs, keep that fire burning

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Getting ready for next year

Warming up by a cozy fire

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This is how we do it!!

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Our kindling is the best deal in town.

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